Late Paniben Hansraj Vaghji Shah


Late Paniben Hansraj Vaghji Shah

 (01/01/1926 – 25/08/2024) – Age 98

It is with deep regret we announce the death of Mrs. Paniben Hansraj Vaghji Shah on Sunday 25th August 2024 in London, UK

She was wife of Late Hansraj Vaghji Shah and daughter of Late Jesang Jivraj and Late Gangaben Jesang Jivraj

Mother/Mother-In-Law of:

Jyoti/Jayntilal Gada, Shobhag/Niranjana, Jitu/Aruna


Late Monghiben/Late Meghjibhai, Late Valiben/Late Padamsibhai, Late Santokben /Late Fulchandbhai, Late Premchandbhai/Late Khimiben

Sister-In-Law of:

Late Mongiben/Late Hansraj, Late Meghji Vahgji/Late Paniben, Late Mulchand Vagji/Kanchanben, Late Maniben/Late Raichand

Grandmother/Grandmother-in-law of:

  Reepal/Sonal, Bhavin/Twinkle, Rumit/Shushma, Cruti/Anand, Sarik/Bhumee, Darsan/Pranali

Great Grandmother of:

  Kreesha, Arav, Ria, Dhayaan, Vivaan, Kian, Simran, Naiya, Ayvani, Aneeka, Aavir

A great soul never dies, it brings us together again and again

Aum shanti shanti shanti Aum

Sadadi will be held on Tuesday 27th August 2024

from 8.00pm – 9.30pm

at Oshwal Centre, L V Hall,Coopers Lane Road, Potters Bar,

Herts, EN6 4DG.

(Polite request please do not come before 8pm to allow family members to settle down first)


The funeral will be held at:

Golders Green Crematorium

62 Hoop Lane, London NW11 7NL

Time and Date: 3pm on Friday 30th August 2024