Bijal Harakchand Shah


Role within Committee
EC Trustee
Professional Background
B.A(Econ), FCCA
Personal Bio
My name is Bijal Harakhchand Velji Shah. Our gaam in India is Kharaberaja and attak is Galaiya.

I was born in Kenya and came to the UK after my A levels  for further studies at Univesity of Manchester and graduated with a degree in BA Econ. I am ACCA qualified and am currently working in finance in a global company which specialises in Clinical Trials.

My hobbies include travelling, cycling and hiking. I have been cycling and exploring the countryside on most weekends.

Vision for OshwalSomething about an inclusive organisation where Oshwals of all ages feel they belong. OAUK to offer its members a support network at all stages of life. Whether its young children and parents wanting to learn more about Jainism and Gujarati to meeting other parents, participate and learn Sports. You envision OAUK being the association that embraces intergenerational learning and collaboration.  Our elders can teach and guide younger generations about their history and how to overcome challenges and young people can guide elders on modern living with technology.

We should strive to make OAUK relevant for all our members of all ages by offering a platform where the community gets together and members learn, grown and connect. This could be through religious events, social, sports, board games and card games, learning gujarati, yoga and exercise classes as well as celebrating festivals together.