Jai Jinendra,
Dear Members,
For the past few weeks, we have been listening to or watching the continuous news coverage about the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We are all aware of the exceptional level of work being done by the doctors, nurses and all other frontline NHS staff in dealing with the unprecedented challenges they face during their long and tiring shifts.
It is now our turn to appreciate their selfless and untiring efforts by providing them (in accordance with our Jain principles of Jivdaya and Anukampa) with some much needed nourishment to keep them going on.
OAUK has partnered with Dips Foods and DNS Accountants to provide free hot meals and/or snacks to the doctors, nurses and all other frontline NHS workers at the local hospitals in London.
We have already started by providing 300 meals to the frontline staff dealing with COVID-19 at the Watford General Hospital on Wednesday 1 April 2020. We are also in discussions with other hospitals to provide their COVID-19 frontline NHS staff with similar meals.

OAUK Area Committees outside London are also being encouraged to find appropriate catering establishments, in their Areas, who would be willing to partner with OAUK to deliver similar free meals to the frontline NHS workers at their local hospitals.
We will keep you posted on further developments in due course.

In meantime, please all remember to follow Government requirements. We encourage everyone to help prevent the spread of coronavirus and stay at home. Only go outside infrequently for food, health reasons or essential work. Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people and wash your hands frequently. For further information see the Government website and the NHS website.
Take care and stay safe.
Jai Oshwal,
Nilesh Bhagwanji Shah
OAUK Hon. President
Email: president@oshwal.org