President’s Message (August 2024)

Dear Oshwal Member,

Jai Jinendra & Pranam.

Unfortunately, due to a technical issue we cannot send out an eNewsletter. Please bear with us whilst we sort this issue out.

Paryushan (31st Aug-7th Sept)
As you know Paryushan starts tomorrow. Paryushan is a time of introspection, study, reflection and an increase in the level of spiritual intensity often using fasting, prayer and meditation to help.  Members of the Executive Committee will be visiting the Area Paryushan events and are looking forward to seeing many of you at this time. I wish you all a peaceful and joyous Paryushan Parva. “Badha saatama haso aane saatama rehjo”. If we have knowingly or unknowingly hurt you in any way then we seek forgiveness.

Khamemi savve jiva, savve jiva khamantu me,
mitti me savva bhuyeshu (bhuteshu),
vairam majjham na kenvi.

I forgive all living beings,
all living beings forgive me,
I have friendship towards all beings,
and enmity towards none.

Dhaja Din
This year Dhaja Din will be on 15 September 2024. There will also be a sattar bhedi pooja at Oshwal Centre. As usual, there will be draw to pick the labharti for the changing of the dhaja. Tickets for this are available at all Areas and at the office at Oshwal Centre.

Oshwal Census 2024
We are embarking on a huge exercise, the Oshwal Census 2024. The objective of the census is to collect information on our members and their households.  The data will enable us to better understand and address the evolving needs of our community. Please take this opportunity to complete the Census form. The link for the Census forms is shared below (help will be available from Area volunteers especially during Paryusan).

Oshwal Welfare Fund
Over the past 30+ months area committees have increased the welfare and wellbeing activities for our members. The footfall at our community Health & Wellbeing Events, Youth Clubs and Gujarati Schools has steadily increased. Areas are planning more of such activities. These will be greatly helped by your participation in the Oshwal Welfare Fund (OWF) – please help and contribute

Michhammi Dukkadam

Rumit Devchand Shah
OAUK Hon. President