OAUK Census 2024

Jai Jinendra & Pranam,

Please complete the form fully. Required items are marked with they symbol (*).

You must have the membership number(s) for all members of your household to complete the form and this number is printed on your OAUK Membership Card. If you have lost your card, you can call the office for your membership number.

What is the Census?
A census is undertaken by communities at regular intervals to provide a picture of the constituents of the member households.  The census asks questions about you, your household, and your home.  In doing so, it helps to build a detailed snapshot of our community.

Why is the Census important?
Managing communities is a complex activity.  Resources are scarce and these need to be managed effectively.  Without relevant and current data of the community, decision making becomes difficult.  To improve our ability to make better decisions, it is important that we review the requirements of our community.  Over the past few years, we have had a lot of dynamic shifts in living patterns.  The COVID Pandemic, cost-of-Living crisis, climate-change are just a few to highlight which have made significant behavioural changes in our households.  Despite these tectonic changes, we are basing many decisions of our community on out-dated data.

In the past we have applied for a few local and central government grants and have been successful, however, these are now becoming more challenging as in many cases we cannot provide supporting community data.

Many of the questions in the Census are a direct request from local authorities who are now using community charities like OAUK to gather information relevant to community groups.

Data Protection
All the data that is collected will be done in accordance with UK Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR).  The data will only be used in an anonymised reports when applying for grants or services.  Personal information is being collected to correct and supersede the information we hold for you in the membership database.

What can you do to help?
Please complete all the information in the census form as accurately as possible.  Where you have young adults and adults in the household (16+), we will send them the form separately to complete.  Please encourage all members of the household to complete this form.

  • For every completed household, the name of that household will be placed in a prize draw.
  • For every completed Census form, a tree will be planted (We are working with a local charity in Hertfordshire for this)

Help for completing Census
If you have any queries, please reach out to the volunteers at your local Paryushan event or email census2024@oshwal.org

OAUK Census 2024

Personal Details

e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss
OAUK Life Member?
Your OAUK Area
How would classify your dietary requirements?
Please re-confirm your email address
Mobile (Country code 44 NOT needed for UK number)
Landline (Country code NOT needed for UK number)
(Select all applicable)
Are you at an UK university currently?
Do you own a business?

Business Address

Engagement with OAUK

Travel and Logistics

Do you have Freedom pass or 60+ London Oyster Card?
Do you have a Blue Badge
Disabled Parking Badge
Do you drive an Electric ONLY Vehicle
Does not include Hybrid
Do you use Public Transport to commute to your place of work?
Would you use Public Transport to Oshwal Centre?

Household Information

Does your household have the following green energy sources?
Leave blank if you do not have any of the above

Health and Wellbeing

Does anyone in the household suffer from
Physical Health (Select all applicable)
Does anyone in the household suffer from
Mental Health (Select all applicable)
Does anyone in the household need support for
Special Needs (Select all applicable)

Household Resident Details

Complete this section for each person residing at the household address provided above.

e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss
OAUK Life Member
Membership # Known
Please re-confirm email address
Mobile (Country code NOT needed for UK number)
(Relationship to the person filling the form)