14 Auspicious Dreams (Swapna) of Trishala Mata

We all have dreams, and sometimes when we wake up we want to know what those dreams meant.

TrishalaMata, the mother of Lord Mahavir had 14 dreams when Lord Mahavir was going to be born. These are depicted and the indication of all these dreams was that the child to be born would be very strong, courageous, and filled with virtues. He would be very religious and would become a great king or a spiritual leader. He would reform and restore the religious order and guide all the creatures of the universe to attain salvation. He would also be liberated.

The first dream Queen Trishala had was of an Elephant.
This dream indicated that she would give birth to a child with exceptionally high character. The four tusks signified that he would guide the spiritual chariot with its four components: monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen.


The second dream Queen Trishala had was of a Bull.
This dream indicated that her son would be highly religious and a great spiritual teacher. He would help cultivate the religion.


The third dream Queen Trishala had was of a Magnificent Lion.
This dream indicated that her son would be as powerful and strong as the lion. He would be fearless, almighty, and capable of ruling the world.


The fourth dream Queen Trishala had was of the Goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and power.
This dream indicated that her son would enjoy great wealth and splendor. He would be a Tirthankar, the supreme benefactor of all.


The fifth dream Queen Trishala had was of a Beautiful Garland descending from the sky.
This dream indicated that the fragrance of her son’s teaching will spread throughout the universe, and he would be respected by all.


The sixth dream Queen Trishala had was of a Full Moon.
This dream indicated that the child would help lessen the suffering of the all living beings. He would bring the peace to the world. He would help the spiritual progress of entire humanity at large.


The seventh dream Queen Trishala had was of the Bright Sun.
This dream indicated that her son would have the supreme knowledge and would dispel the darkness of the delusions.


The eighth dream Queen Trishala had was of a Large Flag flying on a golden stick.
This dream indicated that her son would carry the banner of the religion. He would reinstate the religious order throughout the universe.


The ninth dream Queen Trishala had was of a Golden Vase filled with the clear water.
This dream indicated that her son would be perfect in all virtues and would be full of compassion for all living beings. He would be a supreme religious personality.


The tenth dream Queen Trishala had was of a Lake full of Lotuses.
This dream indicated that her son would be beyond worldly attachment. He would help liberate human beings who were tangled in the cycles of birth, death, and misery.

The eleventh dream Queen Trishala had was of an Ocean.
This dream indicated that her son would have a serene and pleasant personality. He would achieve the infinite perception and knowledge and would escape from worldly life which is the ocean of birth and death and the misery. This would lead his soul to the Moksha (liberation).

The twelfth dream Queen Trishala had was of a Celestial plane.
This dream indicated that all of the Angels in the heaven would respect, honor, and salute her son’s spiritual teachings.


The thirteenth dream Queen Trishala had was of a Big Heap of Jewels.
This dream indicated that her son would have infinite virtues and wisdom and he would attain the supreme spirit.


The fourteenth dream Queen Trishala had was of a Smokeless Fire.
This dream indicated that her son would reform and restore the religious order. He would remove blind faith and orthodox rituals. Furthermore, he would burn or destroy his karmas and attain salvation.