Late Savitaben Ratilal Shah


Late Savitaben Ratilal Shah

13th July 1941 (Nairobi) – 18th February 2022 (London)

It is with deepest regret that we announce the death of Savitaben Ratilal Shah, our beloved mother and grandmother, formerly of Nairobi (Gaam Vasai)

Wife of Ratilal Dhanji Shah

Daughter of Lakhamshi Virji and Padmaben Lakhamshi Shah

Daughter in Law of Virji Dharamshi and Rupaben Virji Visaria, Dhanji Meghji and Radiatben Dhanji Shah

Mother and Mother-in-Law to Nilesh and Harsha (Nairobi), Parita and Shirain, Nikunj and Archna

Savitaben leaves behind the pride of her legacy in her granchildren:

 Nixshi, Shreya, Dhvani, Anika, Ishaan, Niam and Rian

Sister to Late Chandraben & late Dharamshi, Amritlal & Pushpa, Manjula & Sobhag, Pravin & Ashraf, Saroj and Late Rati, Kirti and Chanda, and late Rajni

Sister-in-Law to Kanchanben Khimji, Anuradhaben & Kanjibhai, late Keshubhai, Jivrajbhai & Leelavantiben, Dhirajlal, Raniben, Amratben, Kuverben, Jayaben and Dhanjibhai.

Her caring and friendly personality as well as her bravery and courageous qualities will be missed.

May her soul rest in eternal peace

Condolences messages can be sent to:

Nilesh & Harsha (+254 739 231496), Parita Shah (07980 928378) and Nikunj Shah (07967 673054)

Funeral arrangements:

Cremation will be held on Saturday 26 February 2022 at 4pm UK time at Hendon Crematorium, Holders Hill Road, London, NW7 1NB

We humbly request that all those attending the cremation to wear masks

A webcast to join the cremation virtually can also be accessed via the details below:


Username: hoti0329

Password: 319806

Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti