2024 Area Committees

2024-26 Committee Members

By requesting and utilising an Office 365 account provided by Oshwal Association of the U.K. (OAUK), you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined herein. OAUK's O365 policy governs the appropriate use of Office 365 accounts for employees, committee members, and volunteers of OAUK.

1. Use of Office 365 Accounts

  • Office 365 accounts must be actively and routinely used. Accounts inactive for 30 days will be deactivated, and if no action is taken within a further 60-day period, the account will be deleted.
  • OAUK's email addresses or systems shall not be used for creating, distributing, or accessing any offensive or illegal material. Any offensive material received via email must be reported promptly to secretary@oshwal.org.
  • Personal, commercial, and non-OAUK business-related use of Oshwal-owned email addresses or systems is strictly prohibited.
  • Forwarding emails or data to non-OAUK email addresses is prohibited and will result in an immediate access ban.
  • All outgoing internal and external emails must include the prescribed Oshwal email signature.
  • Office 365 accounts will be subject to routine audits. While not monitoring all activity, OAUK retains the right to do so.

2. Maintain Confidentiality

  • Users must not share or link to any content or information owned by OAUK or others that could be considered confidential or sensitive, nor share or link to data in violation of OAUK's data protection policy.

3. Policy Enforcement

  • The Association reserves the right to monitor Office 365 account usage, which may be conducted by authorised Trustees.
  • Users found to be in violation of this policy may face disciplinary action, including termination of their role. They may also be held personally liable for breaches.

By submitting a request for an Office 365 account, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined above.

O365 Policy
Social Media Policy & Code of Conduct