Bhakti for Mar 18 was sponsored by Parivar of Padamshibhai Lakhamshi Jakharia & Jiviben Lakhamshi Jakharia – haste Navinbhai & Lataben. It was a wonderful spiritual evening of bhakti during the 6 day one of our very important jain festival of fasting i.e. Aimbel . It was so great to see very young children in the audience and the bhakti was very much enjoyed by all . We also had a very special stavan dedicated to everyone including our Tirthankars,Gurus, Tapasvis, Bhaktos, Volunteers etc. Lots of positive feedback from both the parivar’s family and the audience.
Feedback from the parivar
“We really appreciate and enjoyed the bhakti yesterday.
Thank you and your team, Navin and Lata”