Online Event Recordings

Chetan Gyaan Ajuwaaliye

Sunday, 13th June 2021 at 11.00am  A devotional Satsang, Chetan Gyan Ajuwaaliye, hosted by the Oshwal Association of the U.K by live webcast (online) will be presented by...

Shri Shantinath Vandana

Wednesday, 9th June 2021 at 11.00 am A very warm welcome to you all to join a devotional Prayer Satsang hosted by the Oshwal...

Oshwal Health Talk – Managing Pain

MANAGING PAIN Thursday 10 June 2021 at 8pm Aches and pains are often symptoms of many common conditions - flu being the most well-known that can...

Nimesh Sanghoi back by popular demand

Saturday 5th June 7.30pm-9pm Nimesh Sanghoi back by popular demand. After a long break from Oshwal, Nimesh is back to sing you the best of bollywood....

Dashvidh Dharma

Wednesday 7 October 2020 11am

Chetan Gyan Ajuvaaliye

Wednesday 7 October 2020 11am

Explanation of 13 Kaathia

Wednesday 7 October 2020 11am

Oshwal Health Talk – Bone Health

HIPS, KNEES & MORE : BONE HEALTH Thursday 27 May 2021 at 8pm We will be joined by Gurudatt Sisodia, orthopaedic consultant surgeon and Menka Patel,...

Shaasan Sthapna Day Celebration

Wednesday 7 October 2020 11am

Professor Alpa Shah

Professor Alpa Shah Professor of Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics. A unique opportunity to  learn from a Halari Visa Oshwal who is...

Chetan Gyan Ajuvaaliye

Wednesday 7 October 2020 11am

Oshwal Financial Education

Join us on 15th July  2021 between 8-9pm  We will be covering Life Assurance Different Types of Life Assurance  Mortgage Protection Level Term  Family Income...