1. Where can I donate?
There are a number of organisations involved in this Collection Drive. There will be various dates and locations where Drives will be run. A full list of collection dates and locations can be found on the Collection Drive dates page, click here.
2. I cannot make the dates listed, what shall I do?
There are a number of collections being held through September and October. If you cannot attend, perhaps be in touch with your friends and family and perhaps along with their donation they can bring yours along too.
If this is not possible please be in touch with one of the organisation Leads we may be able assist you.
3. What can I donate?
For this Collection Drive we are only collecting books and clothes.
We request books of all types for all age ranges from baby level to university text books and novels.
Regarding clothes, we want to be mindful to those we are collecting for. Please donate from your heart and provide, washed and ironed clothes. Please also divide into male, female and children’s clothes. This will help our organising immensely.
4. Will you accept baby clothes?
Yes we will accept baby clothes, with the same conditions as above. Please ensure they are clean and non-damaged.
5. Do you want bedding?
At this time we will not be collecting bedding.
6. What about shoes?
At this time we are not collecting shoes.
7. Why are you doing this?
Each one of us has many items that are still useful but we do not have a use for them. They would either be collecting dust in our homes or be thrown away without a second thought. We want to help those around the world that are in need. We may not have a need for the old book we read as a child or to our children, but many children would love to have the opportunity to read. We may have grown out of those clothes that we hardly wore, but many have such a desire to have another top or trousers to wear so that they do not have to wear their one pair every day.
We are doing this to help others.
8. Where will the items be donated?
As we are working together with many organisations there are many potential projects and settings we can donated to. We hope to repeat such collection drives in the future to be able to help many others. So far we have potential projects in India, Africa and Nepal.
This first collection will be sent to Nepal. For more information and examples of the projects that may benefit please see: http://m.facebook.com/hope4nepal2015/
This first collection will be sent to Nepal. For more information and examples of the projects that may benefit please see: http://m.facebook.com/hope4nepal2015/
9. Is it not cheaper to source things locally to donate than ship these across?
In some cases it may well be cheaper to buy books locally and disseminate, however we feel here in the UK we ourselves have so many we would throw away and waste, so we want to recycle where possible. There is value in our donated items; not only the love and intention in which they are given but the knowledge and happiness it can give others.
We may think that we have worn a certain item of clothing a few times and it has no further use, or we have finished our studying so we do not need that text book any longer, for others these things are priceless. Here in the UK books are becoming scarce and ebooks and electronic devices are becoming more popular. This is why we have chosen to focus on books for this collection.
Why waste, when others can benefit.
10. How else can we help except donating items?
We will happily accept your time as volunteers on the collection days. Even if you do not have items to donate your time and presence is invaluable. Please complete the volunteer form on the event page, click here.
Back to Collection Drive event page.