Disability Information Gathering

Dear all,

Your input can help transform our community! ?

Enabling Network is reaching out to all Oshwals with disabilities for a crucial request that can make a world of difference. We’re dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, and your invaluable input is the key.

We are gathering information about your unique needs and challenges, especially regarding disabilities. To do this, we’ve created a simple form (see below) for you to complete.

Why your input matters:

  1. Personalized support: Identifying your disability helps us tailor our activities to your specific needs.
  2. Inclusivity: Your information ensures that no one is left behind, making our community more welcoming.
  3. Continuous improvement: Your feedback shapes our future initiatives and keeps us responsive to your evolving needs.

Your data is highly confidential, and participation is voluntary. We respect your choice. But your involvement can profoundly impact our vision for an inclusive community. Please share this message widely within our community.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please contact the Enabling Network team at en@oshwal.org.

Thank you for helping us build a more inclusive and supportive community. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a positive difference.

Shilpa Shah
OAUK Trustee
Enabling Network


Disability Information Gathering

Are you an OAUK Member?
Is your Parent/Guardian an OAUK Member?

The information that is being captured for the rest of this form is to better understand the unique challenges that you may face as an OAUK member and thereby enabling us to tailor our programs, resources, and assistance to better meet your specific needs.

To become an OAUK member, please click this link and complete the membership application form.

Once you complete the OAUK membership form and receive your OAUK membership number, we encourage you to complete the Disability Information Gathering form.

Your details

Member With Disability
We use this information to calculate your approximate age such that we are able to tailor information for the relevant age groups.
Enter 0 if you are not an OAUK Member
Enter 0 if not an OAUK Member
Form submission confirmation will be sent to this email address.
Please reconfirm your email address
Mobile number preferred
Mobile number preferred
Emergency Contact Details
If you do not want to provide Emergency Contact Details please select "No"

Emergency Contact Details

Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Relationship to Applicant

Regarding your disability

How would you describe the disability

If you no longer wish to hear from us, please tick the box below.