Late Kailashben Pankaj Dhanani

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It is with deepest regret that we announce the passing away of:

Late Kailashben Pankaj Dhanani of Chela (India)

Funeral on Saturday 2nd July 2016 at 9.30am at The Counties Crematorium, Towcester  Road,

Milton Malsor, Northampton, NN4 9RN

Born on 2nd January 1949 and passed away on 18th June 2016

Originally from Eldoret (Kenya) and now of Northampton, U.K.

Daughter of Somchand Nongha Shah and Late Kankuben Somchand Shah
Devoted wife to Late Pankaj Lalji Ladha Dhanani

Loving mother to Punit & Nimir

Sister to Surendra, Jaswanti and Jayshree
Mother-in-law to Kunjni & Bijal

Sister in Law to Charu

Grandmother to Reiyan.