Late Khimji Karman Mokar Gudhka


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It is with deep regret that we announce the sad loss of Mr Khimji Karman Gudhka -of Chela.  He passed away peacefully on Monday 16th January 2017 in Jamnagar, India

Husband to Prabhaben Khimji Gudhka.

Son of Late Karman Mokar Gudhka and late Kankaben Karman Gudhka

He was the son-in-law of late Mepa Jivraj and late Rupaben Mepa

Bother of Late Premchan Karman, Maganlal Karman, Late Maniben Richand, Late Kankuben Lakhamshi

He was father of Jayesh Gudhka (India), Ketan Gudhka (Kenya), Mina Chandaria (India), Nirmala (Nimu) Shah (Dips Foods), Mita Nagda (Kenya)

He was father-in-Law to Harish Chandaria (India), Rohit Shah (Dips Foods), Suresh Nagda (Kenya), Rachna Gudhka (India)

He was grandfather of Nisharg Gudhka, Ridham Gudhka, Shrushti Gudhka, Khilna & William Crowe, Dipen Shah (Dips Foods), Dhruti Pooja Shah (Dips Foods), Jay Nagda, Khush Nagda

He was great grandfather of Aanya Crowe

Prayer meeting is being held at Oshwal Centre, Coopers Lane Roads, Potters Bar, Herts, EN6 4DG, Mondy 16th Jamuary 2017 between 8.00pm to 10.00pm in L V Hall (Upstairs Hall).

May God rest his soul in eternal peace.

Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti

The above content is supplied by the family, and Oshwal Association of the UK takes no responsibility for its accuracy