Late Mansukhlal Bhagwanji Shah
Born on 12 March 1933 in Mombasa. Immigrated to UK in 1961.
Passed away on 20 April 2019
Son of: Bhagwanji Kushalchand and Champakben
Husband of: Dayakumari
Brother of: Shantichandra
Sister-in-law: Jashvanti
Niece: Natasha
Niece: Banasha
Nephew: Ravindra
Grand-neices and Grand-nephews: Nadia, Rudy, Anjali, Tarun, Sophie, Leena, Jai, Amaya
Prayers will be held at Oshwal Centre on Tuesday 23rd April 2019, 8.00-9.30pm
Oshwal Centre, Coopers Lane Road, Potters Bar, Herts, EN64DG
Mansukhlal Bhagwanji Shah willed his body for medical research purposes and for that reason there shall be no funeral.