Late Mohanlal Bhagwanji Narshi Savla





DOB:  07.10.1933

It is with deep regret we announce the passing of Mohanlal Bhagwanji Narshi Savla formerly of Thika and Bangalore on 21 May 2019

He was Son of Late Maniben and Late Bhagwanji Narshi

He was married to Late Narmadaben daughter of Late Jiviben & Late Bhimji Nanchand Malde

He was Nephew of Late Jamnaben and Late Mulji Narshi

He was Father to Bharti Anil Shah

He was Father-in-law to Anil Kantilal Shah

He was Brother to Late Lakshmiben, Shantaben, Dhirajlal, Late Sobhagchand,                     Late Chandrakant & Surbhi

He was Brother-in-law to Late Kapurchand, Late Kantilal, Sushila, Late Sarla, Late Hansu & Arvind

He was Nana to Sachin/Sheena & Sareet/Priya

He was Uncle to Late Vipul/Divya, Avnish/Aruna, Rima, Samir/Sonal, Parita/Atul, Asesh/Nehal, Aarti, Rimple/Prasul, Ameet/Jaimini, Nishet/Deepa, Hetal/Dharmesh

He was Great Nana to Sofia

He was Great Uncle to: Suvan, Garv, Aaryan, Ricky, Hemel, Nadia, Nikita, Nadine, Dillan & Aarnav

Prayer meeting will be held at:

Oshwal House, Oshwal Centre, Coopers Lane Road,

Potters Bar, Herts, EN6 4DG

on Friday 24 May from 8PM-10PM

Funeral will be held at:

Hendon Crematorium, Holders Hill Road, Mill Hill, NW7 1NB

on Saturday 25 May.

Darshan in North Chapel at 3.30PM.

Funeral in South Chapel at 4PM