Late Nirmala (Nimaben) Popatlal Shah



Jai Jinendra,

It is with great sadness that we announce that our dearest Nimaben passed away this Monday evening 28/02/2022, aged 93.

Born: 17th August 1928 – Mombasa, Kenya

Died: 28th February 2022 – London, UK

Born in 1928, Nimaben grew up as one of three siblings in Mombasa. She had a passion for teaching, and taught music and Gujarati to hundreds of children both in Kenya and in the UK, as well as teaching many people how to swim! Although she never had children of her own, she was a mother, grandmother, and even great-grandmother to all those around her.

Until the very end, her mind and body were completely active. She would do sudoku puzzles daily, win our card games nights, and remember everyone’s names, birthdays and phone numbers off by heart! She was a big sports fan and would love to watch the cricket and tennis. She also loved watching music shows and teaching her grandchildren and great-grandchildren bhajans, as well as reading them Gujarati story tales.

She was a truly kind and pure hearted soul, and was loved and respected by so many around the world. She was completely selfless and always led a simple life, never wanting anything from anyone, except to see their happiness. She will be dearly missed.

Funeral details:

We are going to be holding her funeral this Friday (04/03/2022). There will first be a Darshan at home at 10am, and the funeral will follow at Golders Green Crematorium at 12pm. Everyone is welcome to come to the funeral to pay their respects to Nimaben.

The address for the crematorium is below:

Golders Green Crematorium

West Chapel

62 Hoop Lane


NW11 7NL

The details to join the funeral via webcast are below:


Username: qocu8457

Password: 372391

Celebration of her life:

We will also be holding a Prathna Sabha and a celebration of her life at the Oshwal Centre in Potters Bar this Saturday (05/03/2022) at 8pm. All are welcome to come to the Prathna Sabha, as we celebrate Nimaben’s wonderful life.

Oshwal Centre

Coopers Lane Road




We are unbelievably grateful and overwhelmed by the messages of love, support and condolences we have received already, and it really showed the effect that Nimaben had on the lives of those around her.

If you would like to get in touch to share your memories, please call or send a message to Jagruti Shah on 07977556175.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om