Oshwal hosted its first Optometry Seminar in January 2018 which was organised by optometrists Nilpa, Nilma, Yashita and Prashant. Due to the positive feedback received from the attendees and the success of this event, a second seminar took place on 31st January 2019 at Ekta Centre. The Seminar is aimed at Optometrists, dispensing opticians, contact lens specialists, orthoptists and optometry students and is a great way for those involved in optics to interact and network. Drinks and light refreshments were provided.

The evening was structured so that attendees could gain 2 CET points, one interactive and one general. Our guest speaker for the evening was Rudrika Joshi-Borrell, lead Orthoptist at Central Middlesex Hospital, who gave a very interesting presentation on Binocular Vision Anomalies and Cranial Nerve Palsies. VRICS were also on display with multiple choice questions.

Feedback from attendees was excellent with requests for another event and suggestions for future topics. Keep an eye out for another event to be held in 2020. If there are suggestions for topics or volunteers to help, please do not hesitate to get in touch!