Table Tennis Tournament – 2016

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The 9th annual Reactive8 club internal table tennis tournaments took place in April. As per last year, we had three different age categories – under 12s; 12-16s and over 16s combined with volunteers.

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The under 12s played round robin style matches. All the players were very anxious and arrived punctually to enable us to commence promptly. They poured into seriousness as they recognised the value of each point to win a game. Tension, tension, tension. With their determination to win, they exhibited their ability in looping the ball and returning the ball carefully onto the opponent’s side.

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The 12-16s group played in a round robin format within 2 groups. Naturally they raised the bar with their ability to block and chop the ball. Some tactical play came into action too, with drop shots to gain points.

This year, three of our 12-16 age category participants secured their places as team members for the league matches. Their enthusiasm, commitment and passion for table tennis have simply bounced them into the next level. Congratulations to Chaand, Bhavini and Neha – May you all continue to excel with the League.

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The over 16s and volunteers group played their matches at a professional level with each player showing their excellent skills in backhand and forehand; and spinning in all four directions: back spin, fore spin, top spin and under spin. They demonstrated the knowledge of their short, long, fast and slow serves including chop and flat. Without a doubt, there were various kill shots and high toss serves used to gain important points to win each game.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Position Under 12s 12-16s 16+ and volunteers
1st Place Aaryan B. Bid Chaand Shah Sushil Shah (handicap: -4)
2nd Place Nikhil P. Shah Bhavini M. Shah Vishal Malde (handicap: -4)
3rd Place Sahil S. Dodhia Ayush Dodhia Mahesh Shah (handicap: -3) and Saumeet Shah (handicap: 0)
4th Place Arjun S. Shah Nikhil N. Shah

A message for those new to table tennis…


There will always be someone to coach and guide you.