Collective Drive Dates

Our Association is working with many other organisations to make collection of Clothes & Books for the under-privileged. Below is a list of key collection dates & venues for each Organisation. To read more about each organisation, click here.

OAUK Oshwal Association of the UK

Collection Date: Sunday 11th September 2016 at Oshwal Centre. For more info, click here.

Contact: Kunjal Haria, (M) 07771 834 552 (E)

Shishukunj Shishukunj

Collection Dates: 24th September and 8th October at Shishukunj Bhavan, Edgware between 12pm and 2pm on both days.

Contact: Shishukunj Office, (M) 020 8381 1818 (E)



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