Jai Jinendra,
Summer has begun and the new Trustees and Area Committees are now all settled into their roles and have started planning for the next two years.
I am fortunate in that I have an Executive Committee that has brought together a true mix of young, new faces as well as some experienced members with many years’ service. This brings many new ideas and different thoughts to the table. Hopefully over the coming months you will see many of those new ideas becoming realities.
The portfolios have now been allocated and details of the Chairs can be found on the website. If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch and join any of the sub committees at EC or Area level.
One main area of our focus is our youth. We have plans to reinvigorate the youth involvement in OAUK. In the coming weeks we will be starting that drive. The first event is on Saturday 10th September 2016, where we are relaunching the Oshwal Youth (Oshwal Volunteer Group). We have planned an overnight Camp at Oshwal Centre (in tents!) and the youth taking part in fun and games, voluntary and charitable activities over this weekend. Further details will be published in Oshwal News.
Youth activities are planned throughout the year. It’s not just about sports, we want Oshwal youths to meet one another, participate in games, lectures, debates. We want volunteering to be second nature, whether it is at Oshwal events or in the wider community.
We are a unique community and we need to celebrate that uniqueness. It starts with the youngsters.
JITO Launch
On Saturday 4th June, Oshwal Centre hosted the inaugural meeting of JITO – The Jain International Trade Organisation. JITO is a hugely successful networking, charitable and mentoring organisation based in India. It has grown to become one of the most successful organisations of its kind in India, with over 4,500 Jain business leaders, other professionals and entrepreneurs as its members.
We had over 450 Jains at Oshwal Centre, across all communities. The common thread? All Jains. Within the audience were some of the most successful business owners from India, many operating large international businesses. Delegates flew in from around the world and UK based Jains had an opportunity to network and meet on a one to one basis.
JITO were very happy with this first launch meeting and the visitors were very impressed with our facilities and our Derasar. Hopefully this is the beginning of a tremendous opportunity for Jains to come together and work together.
Plans are in place for JITO to form a committee here in UK for all Jain Business’s, professionals and Entrepreneurs to network and meet periodically.
To learn more about JITO please visit: www.jito.org
Jain Delegation visit to the Vatican
On Monday 30th May I flew to Rome as part of a delegation of Jain leaders, invited to an audience with his Holiness Pope Francis. This event was organised by The Institute of Jainology, led by Nemubhai Chandaria OBE under the banner of ‘One Jain’. Many Jain leaders from around the world were present at this historic event. For Oshwals this is a true landmark moment in our history and His Holiness Pope Francis was most welcoming to all of us. The common message was how we as Jains recognise the importance of safeguarding our environment and respecting all life and preserving the one and only planet Earth that we live on.
Dwar Opening – Oshwal Shakti Centre
As you can see, it has been a busy few weeks. In between, we have had the formal opening of Oshwal Shakti Centre on 29th May. A lovely event where all donors were invited to dedicate their Takti’s. Our sincere thanks and appreciation to all Oshwals who donated so generously and to the many volunteers who helped make the opening such a special day.
To read the full report, click here.
Anand Yatra
Anand Yatra remains as popular as ever. Every Friday at Oshwal Centre up to 120 Oshwals get together. We have Pooja / Bhakti in the Derasar, Yoga session, some play cards, others walk the grounds and some just chit chat. There follows a delicious freshly cooked lunch and a small talk before everyone departs. If you have never been to an Anand Yatra event, I encourage you all to attend. It is my favourite day of the week!
For more details, click here.
Events in June in July 2016
Anand Yatra – 17th & 24th June and 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th July
Bhukhar (North West) – 18th June and 16th July
Bhajan & Bhojan – 19th June (South) and 10th July (West)
Whist Drive – 25th June (East) and 9th July (North West)
Well Wishers Get Together (South) – 25th June
Bhakti – 29th June (Ekta Centre), 3rd July (Oshwal Centre) and 27th July (Ekta Centre)
Garden Party (Leicester) – 3rd July
Curry Night (North West) – 6th July
Elderly Monthly Meet (North West) – 9th July and 24th July
Women’s Welfare (North West) – Move and Connect – 16th July
All Area Pizza Party – 24th July
Do you want to be a School Governor?
5th July 2016 – 8.30pm to 10pm at Oshwal Ekta Centre
This event outlines the role of the School Governor. We will have a subject matter expert who will provide an overview of the School Governors role. There will be a panel of current school governors who will then provide you with personal experiences and help answer any questions you may have. This will be followed by a networking session where you will be able to talk to the panelist one to one. For more info, please click here.
Paryushan 2016
We have a summer of Weddings and Paryushan follows very shortly thereafter. Oshwal News will be going to press shortly and it will contain full details of our Paryushan timetable.
Paryushan is such an important time in the Jain calendar. Please think about it, attend some of the events and explain its relevance to the younger generations.
We will be hosting a Samu Savantsari on 11th September 2016 at Oshwal Centre. North, North East & North West Area’s come together to host a Savantsari Bhojan for the whole Oshwal community. To support this event, we welcome your donations. Individual donations can be made in your local area during Paryushan.
Again this year we have tokens available for of the changing of the flag on our Derasar. Dhaja Dhin. This will be on the same day as the Samu Savantsari on 11th September 2016 Tokens are available at all Area events, from your Area Committee and at Oshwal Centre. At just £5.00 per token, one lucky family could have the privilege of participating in the wonderful auspicious ceremony. We encourage each Oshwal family to support and purchase the tokens.
Queens Honours List 2016
I am pleased to announce that 2 Jains have been honoured by her Majesty the Queen with an award:
Harshadbhai Sanghrajka has been awarded a “Member of the Order of the British Empire” (MBE) for services to the community and Interfaith activities.
Shilaben Prakash Shah has been awarded “British Empire Medal” for Services to Public Administration, as an Executive Assistant with HM Treasury.
Our congratulations to both, and I am sure you will all agree with me that this is indeed a proud moment for all Jains.
And finally….
I know many of our youngsters are busy with exams. Good Luck to you all. To all the couples getting married, our very best wishes and to all of you, we wish you a lovely summer.
Jai Oshwal
Tushar Jayantilal Shah
Email: president@oshwal.org
Mobile: 07816 430808
Web: oshwal.org.uk