SATURDAY 17TH DECEMBER 2016 – Collection Drive 2016 Update!
You may recall that when we started the collections drive we had targeted India, Nepal and Kenya as our default destination choices. Since then government regulation, in these countries, has made dispatching of clothes and books quite cost prohibitive.
Our intent was and still is to ensure that the collectables are put to good use – working with Samara Levy’s organisation – we have bought and dispatched two containers of clothing to Syria, and after distributing to the destitute, the empty container shells will be converted into mobile hospitals.
This short video shows a little of Samara Levy’s other aid being distributed in Iraq by one of their trusted partners on the ground, as well as showing why it is so important.
Our sincere and special thanks to Mukeshbhai for storing all the collected clothes and books at his warehouses!
We continue to persevere – watch this space for updates on the rest of the collections in early 2017.
To check out the pictures from the day, click here.