
Prathna Sabha information

Late Alpa Aashish Shah

  Late Alpa Aashish Shah  08/04/1970 – 15/12/2024 It is with a heavy heart that we announce the sad loss of Alpa Aashish Shah who passed away...

Late Ramagauri Ratilal Jivraj Shah

  Late Ramagauri Ratilal Jivraj Shah 13th May 1937 – 14th December 2024 (87 years old) It is with a heavy heart and deep sadness that we...

Late Jayantilal Pethraj Shah

  Late Jayantilal Pethraj Shah 13th November 1945 – 7th December 2024 It is with great sadness and sorrow that we announce the passing away of the much-loved Jayantilal...

Late Girish Panachand Dodhia

  Late Girish Panachand Dodhia                     (07/09/1949 – 09/12/2024) It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Mr Girish Panachand Dodhia (DASH - Bingwa...

Late Dilip Mohanlal Shah (Dodhia)

  Late Dilip Mohanlal Shah (Dodhia) 7th May 1956  –  7th  December 2024 It is with deep regret we announce the sudden but very peaceful demise of...

Late Sudha Ramniklal Gosrani

  Late Sudha Ramniklal Gosrani (22 July 1947 – 28 November 2024) JAI JINENDRA We announce with great sadness the death of our much loved Sudha Gosrani on...

Late Chhaganlal Virpar Gudka

  Late Chhaganlal Virpar Gudka 07 September 1937 to 07  December 2024 It is with great sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of Chhaganlal Virpar Gudka of...

Late Rameshchandra Khetshi Dharamshi Shah

  Late Rameshchandra Khetshi Dharamshi Shah 12/06/1946 – 27/11/2024 It is with deep regret and sorrow, that we announce the sudden death in London of Rameshchandra Khetshi...

Late Manilal Zaverchand Shah(Narendra)

  Late Manilal Zaverchand Shah(Narendra) (26.03.1945 – 04.12.2024) It is with deep sorrow we announce the passing away of Manilal Zaverchand Shah (Narendra)  of Wembley, previously from Muranga (Fort...

Late Rajesh Jayantilal Somchand Kachra Shah

  Late Rajesh Jayantilal Somchand Kachra Shah D.O.B 19th March 1965 D.O.D 3rd December 2024  We are sorry to announce the passing of Rajesh Shah of Kenya, Wembley...

Late Devkurben Keshavlal Shah

  Late Devkurben Keshavlal Shah 1/1/1928 - 3/12/2024 It is with deep sadness that the family of Devkurben Keshavlal Shah announces her peaceful passing on Tuesday 3rd...

Late Dhirajlal Virpal Vrajpal Patani

   Late Dhirajlal Virpal Vrajpal Patani          (28/06/1937 – 01/12/2024)  It is with deep regret we announce the death of Mr. Dhirajlal Virpal Vrajpal Patani on 1st...

Late Devkurben Dhirajlal Haria

  Late Devkurben Dhirajlal Haria 1/1/1931 to 1/12/2024 JAI JINENDRA It is with deep sadness that the family of Devkurben Dhirajlal announces her peaceful passing on Sunday 1st...

Late Chandulal Jivraj Sura Shah

  Late Chandulal Jivraj Sura Shah 14/03/1937 - 01/12/2024 It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our much loved Chandulal Jivraj Sura Shah (Dhanani) on...

Late Rupaben Devraj Haria

  Late Rupaben Devraj Haria It is with great sadness to announce the passing of our beloved Ba, Rupaben Devraj Haria of Thornton Heath, Croydon. Previously of...